Church Services

Our churches are currently open every day between 10 am and 4 pm

To locate the churches in the Moreton Benefice, their postcodes are as follows:

St Andrew’s, Moretonhampstead …………… TQ13 8LL
St Winifred’s, Manaton ………………………… TQ13 9UJ
St John’s, Lustleigh …………………………….. TQ13 9TJ
St John’s, North Bovey ……………………….. TQ13 8RA

Doccombe Chapel………………………………. TQ13 8SS

Sunday 23rd June
Moreton                  Holy Communion                   9.30 am
Lustleigh             Celtic Morning Prayer             11.00 am
Manaton                   Evensong (BCP)                  6.00 pm

Sunday 30th June
Lustleigh           Group Holy Communion           11.00 am

Sunday 7th July
Moreton                  Morning Worship                  9.30 am
North Bovey           
Informal Service                  10.00 am
Pet Service                      11.00 am
              Holy Communion                11.00 am

Sunday 14th July
Moreton                   Holy Communion                   9.30 am
Lustleigh                    Holy Communion                  11.00 am
Manaton  Celtic Morning Prayer & Holy Baptism  11.00 am

Sunday 21st July
Moreton                    Morning Worship                   9.30 am
North Bovey            Holy Communion                   9.30 am
Manaton                   Holy Communion                 11.00 am
Lustleigh                  Evensong (BCP)                   6.00 pm

Sunday 28th July
Moreton                  Holy Communion                   9.30 am
Celtic Morning Prayer             11.00 am
Evensong (BCP)                  6.00 pm