Accessibility in our churches

If further details are needed, please send us a message, using the CONTACT US button in the main menu at the top of this page, or phone the number on the HOME page.

St Andrew’s, Moretonhampstead (TQ13 8LL) is wheelchair-accessible (advance notice for the provision of ramps is helpful). There is also a hearing loop, and a toilet with wheelchair access. A wheelchair is also available.

St John’s, North Bovey (TQ13 8RA) is wheelchair-accessible – no ramps needed.

St John’s, Lustleigh (TQ13 9TJ) is wheelchair-accessible – no ramps needed. There is also a hearing loop.

St Winifred’s, Manaton (TQ13 9UJ) is wheelchair-accessible (advance notice for the provision of ramps is helpful). There is also a hearing loop.