Safeguarding in our churches

If a child or adult is in immediate danger or requires medical attention,
call the police and/or social services immediately on 999.

Safeguarding is the care and protection given to the vulnerable: this includes children, young people, the elderly and anyone who is vulnerable due to their circumstances or the role they may have when dealing with other people or children.

Our churches aim to provide a place where all people feel welcomed, respected and safe from abuse. We are all working towards creating a safe and non-discriminatory environment by being aware of some of the particular situations that create vulnerability. Everyone in our churches has a responsibility with regard to safeguarding and the protection of children and vulnerable adults

If you need to make contact with the person with safeguarding responsibilities in any of our churches, please use the CONTACT US form on this website, and your enquiry will be dealt with speedily and your enquiry will be passed to the relevant person in complete confidentiality. You may also find your local safeguarding officer by clicking on the above heading SAFEGUARDING IN OUR CHURCHES and using the drop-down menu.

If you cannot reach your local safeguarding officer, please contact:

The Church Administrator: Guy Sheppard

BUT – if there is an immediate risk of harm to an individual, you should dial 999
and report your concern to the police.

If you have a safeguarding enquiry or wish to discuss a safeguarding concern, please phone one of the Safeguarding Advisers on the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, using the details below. If your call is not answered, please leave a message and one of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.
In the first instance, email

Those in the team are:

Anthea Carter-Savigear, Diocesan Director of People and Safeguarding
01392 294947 /

Costa Nassaris, Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
01392 294969 & 07809 339501 /

James May, Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
01392 345910 & 07889 542646/

Rebecca Lane, Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser
01392 294975 & 07889 542640 /

Ruth Putnam, Safeguarding Administrator and DBS Co-ordinator
01392 294929 /

For any other (non-urgent) safeguarding enquiries:

For any safeguarding training enquiries:

Making referrals to statutory agencies

If you need to report a serious concern about a child or young person and are unable to contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, or are simply happy to make the initial referral to the relevant statutory agency, please visit: where contact details of all relevant agencies are listed. However, please also notify your Parish Safeguarding Representative and/or the Diocesan Safeguarding Team after contacting any of these agencies.