For details of the next Messy Church, please see the foot of this page – the section below the photos.
What is Messy Church?
Messy Church takes place the first Tuesday of most months of the year in the Parish Hall in Moretonhampstead. The whole benefice is invited to join in this event.
Our aim in Moretonhampstead is to provide Christian hospitality to local families who may not have the chance to experience sitting down and having fun within a church context. And it is FUN! We usually meet on the first Tuesday* of each month during school termtime at 3.30 pm in the Parish Hall in Moretonhampstead. Each child must be accompanied by a responsible adult. (*Please do check the final section of this web page where exceptions to the ‘first Tuesday’ rule are given.)
At 3.30 pm, we meet in the Parish Hall and enjoy a cup of tea or squash with a biscuit, before we start our celebrations with a story, prayers and a song. Each time we have a different Bible theme and we try to follow this through to our craft time which follows. Each crafts is supervised by an adult from our Messy Church Team, and yes – it can get messy! The children love to paint, cut out, create and sometimes dress up and make things to take home. We love it when the grown-ups join in!
Just before 5 pm we all sit down for a hot meal together and enjoy the home-made cakes that follow! We leave for home by 5.30 pm.
It’s all fun and it’s FREE!
We hope to help people from our community feel that they belong in a church environment and that they become part of our Christian family. Through having fun, we trust that they will be able to express their God-given creativity and come to know Jesus through hospitality, friendship, stories and worship.
Look at what we got up to when Messy Church was all about feeding 5,000 hungry people on very little food, and we learned that God will do more for us than we can ever imagine if we offer him all that we have. The children enjoyed a story, singing and craft time and then we all went up to The Sentry (a nearby field) for a picnic – the weather was perfect!
Messy Church in 2020
Messy Church is having to observe the national lockdown so there will be NO Messy Church until further notice. There will be plenty of publicity when it resumes.
Please do join us when we do resume, starting as usual at 3.30 pm in the Parish Hall for drinks and biscuits. Everyone of any age is welcome, and if you can’t come at the beginning, just join us later. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
If you haven’t been before, you will be sure of a warm welcome
For further details, please use the CONTACT form on this website.